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#73: Mentioned Books

2 min read

Reading books became few years ago one of my daily hobbies. Currently reading at least 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. It’s part of my morning and evening routine. For people who ask me which books I can recommend I created a Bookshelf page to share easily with one link the books I can recommend. While writing about which books to choose for reading I thought also about how to improve the Bookshelf page to show which books I can recommend more than others. One thing is definitely to create a process for reviewing a book and give it kind of a rating with my own preferences. I will write about this in a future post. Another point is to just link all the posts to the specific books were they got mentioned in. So the more a book gets mentioned is a reference point that I personally took away a lot from this book and this should be one metric why a book is more recommended than another one. So for the book Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams it looks like that on the Bookshelf page now:

Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams

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